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Convert Your Social Network Followers into Profit With ClickWhale

thumb socialmedia profit
6 November 2023

Gone are the days of posting a perfectly polished picture on social networks like Instagram or Facebook. This is especially true if that post fails to include a sales message in the caption or directly on the posted image. If you’re wondering why that is, please allow us to explain. 

Many fail to realize that the majority of social media networks are business-to-business (B2B) platforms. That’s right! It’s an e-commerce space where businesses talk to other businesses. Meaning the conversations happening there are meant to inspire productivity by way of sales. 

This is precisely why brands are investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into social media marketing. It’s also why there’s been a steady increase in Social Media Managing positions. Luckily, you don’t need to invest thousands of dollars or hire an additional member of your team. All you need is the right plugin for the job.

Keep reading to learn how to organically convert your social network followers into profit with ClickWhale PRO, a plugin for WordPress that’s here to save the day.

ClickWhale PRO’s Social Media Features 🐳

The social media features ClickWhale PRO users have access to are there to motivate conversion. That is to say that converting a social network of followers into profit with ClickWhale PRO is built into the foundation of the plugin’s interface. 

The current social media features of ClickWhale PRO speak to branding and reach. The customization of bio link pages speaks to the branding element. The curated bio links that can be inserted into most popular social media profiles speak to the reach. 

But what makes social media network audiences valuable in the first place?

The Power of Social Networks in Digital Marketing

Social networks have taken the globe by storm since they hit the mass market in the late 1990s. And contrary to those who thought the trend wouldn’t catch on, as of 2010, there were a recorded 1 billion users worldwide. And still, people doubt the earning potential of marketing products to this global audience. 

It’s true, it took some time for people to feel comfortable purchasing items online. The early days of identity theft loomed over the ideal like pregnant clouds in a digital hail storm. But it didn’t take long for banks to countermeasure theft with extra walls of consumer protection. 

Nowadays, if your brand isn’t on social media, it’s almost like it doesn’t exist. That’s, right, people look to social media networks as brand validation. In truth, brands that elect not to participate in marketing on social media are missing out big time. 

It is a competitive market, yes, but one worthy of the time and effort it takes to build an organic community of followers. A community that converts into commerce when the trust established warrants the purchase of your products and services. 

How To Convert Social Network Followers into Profit With ClickWhale PRO 🤑

The most efficient way to convert social network followers into profit with ClickWhale PRO is through its Link Page Builder tool. Use this feature to curate customized link pages to insert into your social network profiles. Why customize a bio link? 

Customize your Link Page!

Brand recognition is one answer. Credibility is another. Often, social network followers use a brand’s social media profile to verify the legitimacy of the brand itself. Much like dating, if a person cannot locate a social media profile aesthetically aligned with the brand in question, they rule it out. Meaning, they elect not to follow, engage with, or purchase anything.

With a customized bio link from ClickWhale PRO, the aesthetic, the logo, and the tonality are all right there for followers to see. Furthermore, ClickWhale PRO subscribers can create as many bio links as they want. 

Perhaps the bio link for the brand’s Instagram page includes links to exclusive offers not being shared with audiences on other platforms. Having the capability of creating multiple branded bio links for campaigns becomes an asset.

Tips for Expanding Social Network Followers With ClickWhale PRO

Expansion of a social network aligns perfectly with converting followers into profit with ClickWhlae PRO. How so? The social media features of the WordPress plugin are all the rage with influencers and bloggers alike. And that’s because the use of link pages helps brands to connect with audiences on any social media network they utilize.

Link Pages increase web traffic and help an audience know how to locate your brand wherever it markets itself. Take it one step further and analyze the clicks the links attached to the link page receive. As a result, users gain a deeper understanding of what motivates their audience to action.

Using a different link page builder tool on WordPress? Not a problem. Decide to make the switch to ClickWhale PRO as your bio links alternative of choice without a hitch. ClickWhale PRO allows users to import data from other plugins with ease.

Expanding a social media network takes time and consistency. But above all else, it requires creativity. Learning to say the same message repeatedly but with enthusiasm or empathy is no easy feat. But it isn’t impossible.

Continue Converting Followers into Profit With ClickWhale PRO

With some pre-planning, a ton of creativity, and the right tools, converting followers into profit with ClickWhale PRO is inevitable and fun! Customizing link pages to the likeness of your brand to impress and inspire followers always is. 

Sharing those curated link pages with the followers you’ve built on different social networks may seem tedious. But when you watch the increase in web traffic, and by default, sales begin to happen, it’s all worth it.

Focus on expanding your brand reach on social media networks with the help of ClickWhale PRO using the tips above. Leverage the power of the organic community and watch your revenue increase before your eyes.  

Are you curious to discover more ClickWhale PRO features for optimizing your marketing efforts? Watch this free demonstration about the ins and outs of this unique plugin for WordPress below.

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Link Manager, Link Pages & Tracking Codes for WordPress

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