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The ClickWhale Blog

Best Link Shortener & Click Tracker for WordPress. With ClickWhale, you can easily manage, shorten and analyze links on your WordPress site. All this, using your own domain!

Why is ClickWhale the Best Plugin for Affiliate Marketers?
Why is ClickWhale the Best Plugin for Affiliate Marketers?

Affiliate marketing continues to be a great way to earn money online. But to succeed in the long term, you need the right tools. If you haven’t already heard about this sophisticated plugin from WordPress, get ready to discover the shift your affiliate earnings have been waiting for.

How To Optimize Links Wordpress
How To Optimize Links in WordPress Effectively

Are you interested in using the unique plugin, ClickWhale for WordPress? Then you’ve come to the right place! And that’s because this blog will educate and empower you on the easy steps to accessing the free plugin on WordPress. 

Download ClickWhale for FREE!

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If you have any questions? Contact us and we will be happy to help!

(We answer technical and general inquiries)